YTL YES 4G (www.yes.my) the newest ISP in Malaysia recently launched its competitive mobile Wi-Max services. We are happy to be shortlisted in its search for a suitable video management solution for its country wide network infrastructure.
3xLOGIC fulfilled YES' requirements of a bandwidth savings, hybrid and open architecture software which seamlessly integrates new and old, analogue or network cctv cameras providing a single platform for video storage and display solution.
It has been 3 months of proof of concepts from system testing to surveillance portal development. Please go to http://yes.espace.my to see the first prototype of YES Surveillance Portal.
Surveillance Portal aims to provide managed video as a internet service over the internet. Utilizing 3xLOGIC as our backend solution, we can now support high resolution video without the worry of expensive internet bandwidth cost in life viewing and storage.
Email enquiry@espace.my for more information on our VIDEO CMS and Online Redundancy Backup Storage Services.
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